How to Center Text Paragraph in Blogging?
How To center an Image? and and anything about HTML CSS,
just simple for it.. you just show video and your problem solved!
Before start to Tips and Trick, lets see this video to make own busines
Tips and trick about HTML CSS By Chris Bell
HTML CSS How to Center Text Paragraph is very simple using the style element. Go to the exact sentence that you want centered, surround it with paragraph tags then use the style to add text-align:center; and it's that easy.
You could be having trouble because a div or body might have other alignments set up in the CSS file, but if you go straight to the line and change it you will supersede all other CSS styles.
HTML CSS How to center an Image or Picture has a simple solution of surrounding it with a paragraph tag and centering that. Then the image will be centered inside the paragraph instead of the image trying to center in itself. Be careful of BODY, SECTION, DIV and TABLEs before your image too. Each of those are styled using the CSS sheet so you’ll need to adjust it there, but in the short term you can fix it “in line” using CSS.
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